How To Navigate Our Website

How To Navigate Our Website

September 28, 2021

Thank you for visiting! Here you will find information about our book, HEALING HERBAL SOUPS, as well as our store which sells herbal ingredients for the recipes in our cookbook. For first-time visitors, please note that we urge everyone to buy our book first, before purchasing any ingredients off the site.

Once you order the book, which you can do in the Where to Buy section in the menu, you can read through it and see what recipes interest you the most. Once you've made your choices, visit our Online Store to buy the herbal packets that correspond to the soups that you want to make. These packages contain all the herbs you'll need to make the soups but they don't include fresh produce which you'll need to buy on your own.  Although every packet has instructions for how to make the soups, only our cookbook has the full recipes, complete with tips and pictures. 

And that's it! Happy soup making!

-Rose and Genevieve